a very brief summary…

October 5, 2012

Hello friends! I can’t believe how long it’s been since my last post, but here goes…

Life over the past few months has been absolutely crazy -in a good way though.

I got into graduate school…


I am now a proud co-owner of a little shop called Kitsch along with four other amazingly creative girls. Since opening in February, Kitsch has supplied the Ghent area of downtown Norfolk, Virginia with local handmade crafts as well as classes and workshops. At the moment, over 100 consignors from all over the state of Virginia sell their lovingly handmade goods at the shop. I must say that one of the things I love most about this whole experience is the people behind it. Each owner contributes to the success of this place in their own unique way.

kitsch owners clockwise from far left: me, ashley, michelle, kristen, hollywood (honorary kitschette), and vicki

the quirky one – ashley is an amazing body painter. she can draw/build almost anything. she also organizes our monthly featured artist shows.

the ambitious one – vicki is our financial mastermind and she’s super handy with some power tools.

the ambassador of kindness – michelle is our social media butterfly. she has enough connections to make your head spin and she cranks out some crafts like nobody’s business.

the firecracker – although hollywood is not an official owner, she spends more time at the shop than i do. she is one of the craziest and funniest people i know. did i mention she also happens to be an awesome artist?

the spunky one – kristen is our photographer, blog queen, and graphic designer. she also stays on top of every single one of our 100+ consignors to make sure the shop is always lookin’ fresh. she rides a motorcycle too, which i think is pretty hardcore.

Of course, all of these women happen to be excellent crafters. Indeed, a mutual love for all things handmade brought us all together and I thank my lucky stars every day that I get the chance to be a part of it all. This experience has been a real roller coaster and I can’t wait to see what happens next.

vicki, one of my fellow co-owners trying out our new bench.

a momentary shot of our ever-changing shop
photo credit: Little Bit of Ivory

michelle, the most prolific crafter of all of us, with one of her many awesome creations
photo credit: Little Bit of Ivory

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